"Tell me, do you have any political opionion?"
"No."I said.(好明顯,佢求其地答)
"Neither have I......What i mean is, would you object to earning money from Communists?"
"No, of course not."
"......They are correspondents for a Moscow paper, and they want some articles on English politics. If we go to them at once they may commission you to write the acticles."
"Me? But i don't know anything about politics."(咪玩野好喎!)
"Neither do they. Who does know anything about politics? It's easy. All you have to do is to copy it out of the English papers. Isn't there a Paris Daily Mail? Copy it from that."
"But the Daily Mail is a Conservation paper. They loathe the Communists."
"Well, say the opposite of what the Daily Mail says, then you can't be wrong."
其實我想說﹐如果我的英文程度可以毫不困難地讀明Orwell先生的《Anti-Semitism in Britain》﹑《Notes on Nationalism》等等等等文章﹐那麼我便可以和威廉王子討論形而學上的哲學性政治問題(有這樣的東西嗎?)!然後我倆攜手打造一個「新英國」!(白高敦﹐死開啦!)