American Gangsters
Antoine et Colette
Baisers Volés<重看>
Deja Vu
Domicile Conjugal
La Grande Vadrouille
L'Amour en Fuite
Planet of the Apes
The Hottest State
This Is England
This Is Spinal Tap
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
音樂播放器已轉了The Arcade Fire的Black Mirror。
I walked down to the ocean
After waking from a nightmare
No moon, no pale reflection
Black Mirror, Black Mirror
Shot by a security camera
You can't watch your own image
And also look yourself in the eye
Black Mirror, Black Mirror, Black Mirror
I know a time is coming
All words will lose their meaning
Please show me something that isn't mine
But mine is the only kind that I relate to
Le miroir casse
The mirror casts mon reflet partout
Black Mirror, Black Mirror, Black Mirror
The black mirror knows no reflection
It knows not pride or vanity
It cares not about your dreams
It cares not for your pyramid schemes
Their names are never spoken
The curse is never broken
The curse is never broken
Un! Deux! Trois! Dis: Miroir Noir!
Black Mirror!
Un! Deux! Trois! Dis: Miroir Noir!
Black Mirror!
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Show me where them bombs will fall
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Show me where them bombs will fall
I walked down to the ocean
After waking from a nightmare
No moon, no pale reflection
Black Mirror, Black Mirror
Shot by a security camera
You can't watch your own image
And also look yourself in the eye
Black Mirror, Black Mirror, Black Mirror
I know a time is coming
All words will lose their meaning
Please show me something that isn't mine
But mine is the only kind that I relate to
Le miroir casse
The mirror casts mon reflet partout
Black Mirror, Black Mirror, Black Mirror
The black mirror knows no reflection
It knows not pride or vanity
It cares not about your dreams
It cares not for your pyramid schemes
Their names are never spoken
The curse is never broken
The curse is never broken
Un! Deux! Trois! Dis: Miroir Noir!
Black Mirror!
Un! Deux! Trois! Dis: Miroir Noir!
Black Mirror!
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Show me where them bombs will fall
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Show me where them bombs will fall
Monday, January 28, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
甚麼叫崇洋媚外呢?看我便知道了。即是呢,近來常在聽Arcade Fire的Black Mirror。我覺得好好聽喎,因為這首歌有一句法語歌詞:
Un! Deux! Trois! Dis: Miroir Noir!
Un! Deux! Trois! Dis: Miroir Noir!
Friday, January 25, 2008

話又說回來,我的日語考試是死定了。12課喎﹐是少野來的嗎?究竟我學日語是來幹甚麼呢?真的可以幫助我找工作嗎?老闆有一位日本來的客人﹐天知道我跟她是用普通話來交談的!我真的呆掉了。之前走去學意大利語﹐說是要看懂signore Fellini的電影。當然少女(!)的心是另有目的﹐滿心期待會是一位貌似signore Mastroianni的男士來教你浪漫的意大利語。現實卻是一位婦人﹐來了香港100年還不懂廣東話的意大利婦人。當然這個意大利語我是學不成﹐我的程度只可以看明意大利版Elle Decoration的一組字"mia/mi casa"。
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008

(Dior Homme Fall 2008)
(Review taken from
Does Kris Van Assche feel like a fashion Cinderella when he wakes in the morning? It was decreed that the Dior Homme shoe fit him and he was granted one of the twenty-first century’s most powerful, influential legacies. But how can he prove he’s more than a pretender to the throne? With great caution, evidently. With this, his first runway show for Dior Homme, Van Assche cleaved close to the original blueprint: a chiaroscuro spectacular featuring live music and a cast of non-professional model boys corralled on the designer’s travels. Clothing-wise, he opted to explore a couple of themes until there was simply nothing more to be said about them: an outfit composed of a tiny jacket and trousers with a legginglike cling, and a shirt-and-pants combo that featured a bottom half of multi-pleated harem-pant-like extravagance. Hammer pants, they were called in the early 1990s, after everyone’s favorite—at the time—rapper. Except that Van Assche’s interpretation was more MC Lestat, after everyone’s second-favorite vampire.
Van Assche clearly has great faith in this silhouette, because he’s used it before. And maybe it is in the DNA of the brand, given David Bowie’s brief flirtation with the Big Pant (the Thin White Duke was a seminal inspiration for Hedi Slimane, in both baggy and tight-trousered phases). But even that can’t shift the uncomfortable echoes of an early eighties Montreal/New York boutique business called Parachute. Which led on, in this case, to other discombobulating New Wave-isms: the patent leathers, the Eldritch footwear, the curious geometries of hems pointing this way or vents stitched that way. In his show notes, Van Assche evoked “the solemn advance of a Shakespearian hero,” which possibly accounted for the Hamlet-on-Mars feel of a slashed doublet… I mean, sweater and hose. Those notes hinted at an acutely self-conscious need to inject portent into the collection, likewise the unremittingly dark palette. That leads one to the obvious solution: Lighten up. There were gems in the murk, however. Van Assche presented some beautiful, poetic shirts; a barathea coat had a sleek (okay, vampiric) glamour. Maybe next time, the sun will be shining.
La Grande Vadrouille

For He's A Jolly Good Fellow...
John Galliano
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
This Is Spinal Tap

我覺得這部電影的導演Rob Reiner不只這個級數,所以又上網找資料。不出所料,原來電影的最初是一部4½小時的bootleg。我好想買。
套用導演的口吻問自己,"If you have to choose a band member to be your boyfriend, who would it be?"
"Nigel Tufnel,definitely.He makes me laugh."
Monday, January 14, 2008
有沒有擇偶條件? 如果說,最好佢鍾意/識「咩咩咩」啦(任何人的心中都有「咩咩咩」),這只是一種幻想。但我認我有,但通常(永遠?)都不會遇到這個人(有沒有這樣的一個人存在?)。如果要每個人列出自己心目中的「咩咩咩」,實不只一樣。
1. 聽音樂(指rock)
2. 看電影
3. 懂時裝
4. 曉時裝設計
5. 玩傢俬設計
6. 搞裝置
7. 明中外古今藝術歷史
8. 又高又瘦(唔好同我講內在美緊要過外在美。呢個社會是沒有內在美的人,只要你在繁忙時間乘地鐵,便會明白一切。連最基本的禮貌也沒了﹐不用再說其他)
9. 有錢(!!)(bonus++++)
以上條件可能也有人能夠附合(某幾樣?全部?)。但這個「理想男人」,除了要附合以上所有條件外,他還要是主修political science的(!!!)打從小學看完甘迺迪傳後,我便立志要讀政治,長大後要從政!當然,現在的我是連區議員....的助手也做不成。
1. 聽音樂(指rock)
2. 看電影
3. 懂時裝
4. 曉時裝設計
5. 玩傢俬設計
6. 搞裝置
7. 明中外古今藝術歷史
8. 又高又瘦(唔好同我講內在美緊要過外在美。呢個社會是沒有內在美的人,只要你在繁忙時間乘地鐵,便會明白一切。連最基本的禮貌也沒了﹐不用再說其他)
9. 有錢(!!)(bonus++++)
以上條件可能也有人能夠附合(某幾樣?全部?)。但這個「理想男人」,除了要附合以上所有條件外,他還要是主修political science的(!!!)打從小學看完甘迺迪傳後,我便立志要讀政治,長大後要從政!當然,現在的我是連區議員....的助手也做不成。
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
All About Hedi Slimane
- A Boston punk band named Keys to the Streets of Fear released a song "Hedi Slimane":
I want pants like Hedi Slimane
I wanna dance like Hedi Slimane
Live in France like Hedi Slimane
I wanna fuck like Hedi Slimane.
Slimane has listened to it but says, “I could not hear or understand the lyrics at all.”
- In 1999, Gucci took over Y.S.L., which meant that Slimane would have a new boss: Tom Ford, the creative director at Gucci, who insisted that Slimane report to him. “It was a totally new idea to me, this story of ‘reporting,’ ” Slimane told me. (His English is good but not perfect.) “I might have never heard the word ‘reporting’ before. Reporting to Tom was not going to happen.” Bergé objected to the arrangement, too. “I was absolutely against it,” he told me. “Tom Ford is not my cup of tea. I don’t respect him, not at all. He is not a designer. He is a marketing man.” After meeting with Ford at the Ritz (“The situation became unpleasant,” Slimane said), Slimane resigned.
- Hedi Slimane can’t drive. He’d like to learn how, but he can’t find the time. While in Paris, he keeps a car and driver on call around the clock, in case he decides to go out searching for models in the early-morning hours. The car is a Jaguar. The driver wears Dior. “It would be a bit strange for him to show up in a funny suit,” Slimane said.
- Slimane’s most recent haircut has not been widely imitated. It consists of a wad brushed thickly forward over the top of his forehead and cropped straight across. It looks, frankly, a little like a toupee. Slimane’s friend Janet Street-Porter, the British writer and broadcaster, said, “He looks like a demented monk.”
-“When I was a teen-ager, people used to comment on how dreadfully skinny I was,” Slimane told me. “I used to take pills to put on weight.” Since no clothes fit him, he began designing his own. His mother was a seamstress, so he knew his way around a sewing machine. “I also always thought clothes looked better on a lean figure,” he said. “Life was not that unfair after all. There was a future for skinny people.”
From 《New Yorker》
Hedi Slimane was born in Paris to an Italian seamstress and a Tunisian accountant. 'My mother was always using the sewing machine, and it was driving me crazy. I was always awake because of the noise it made. I'd have to wake up and have my coffee in the middle of a piece of fabric.'
His mum would make his clothes, which annoyed him. 'When you're a kid you want to look like you're your friends and you just want to have the same dumb labels.' At the age of 16, in pursuit of teenage self-expression, he began designing his own clothes. He did all his own tailoring, seemingly having picked up the skill without thinking about it. He always wore a proper jacket, but even vintage ones didn't fit. 'I was so lean then,' he says, so he had to make his own clothes. And so began the Noughties shape of men's fashion.
From 《The Observer》
I want pants like Hedi Slimane
I wanna dance like Hedi Slimane
Live in France like Hedi Slimane
I wanna fuck like Hedi Slimane.
Slimane has listened to it but says, “I could not hear or understand the lyrics at all.”
- In 1999, Gucci took over Y.S.L., which meant that Slimane would have a new boss: Tom Ford, the creative director at Gucci, who insisted that Slimane report to him. “It was a totally new idea to me, this story of ‘reporting,’ ” Slimane told me. (His English is good but not perfect.) “I might have never heard the word ‘reporting’ before. Reporting to Tom was not going to happen.” Bergé objected to the arrangement, too. “I was absolutely against it,” he told me. “Tom Ford is not my cup of tea. I don’t respect him, not at all. He is not a designer. He is a marketing man.” After meeting with Ford at the Ritz (“The situation became unpleasant,” Slimane said), Slimane resigned.
- Hedi Slimane can’t drive. He’d like to learn how, but he can’t find the time. While in Paris, he keeps a car and driver on call around the clock, in case he decides to go out searching for models in the early-morning hours. The car is a Jaguar. The driver wears Dior. “It would be a bit strange for him to show up in a funny suit,” Slimane said.
- Slimane’s most recent haircut has not been widely imitated. It consists of a wad brushed thickly forward over the top of his forehead and cropped straight across. It looks, frankly, a little like a toupee. Slimane’s friend Janet Street-Porter, the British writer and broadcaster, said, “He looks like a demented monk.”
-“When I was a teen-ager, people used to comment on how dreadfully skinny I was,” Slimane told me. “I used to take pills to put on weight.” Since no clothes fit him, he began designing his own. His mother was a seamstress, so he knew his way around a sewing machine. “I also always thought clothes looked better on a lean figure,” he said. “Life was not that unfair after all. There was a future for skinny people.”
From 《New Yorker》
Hedi Slimane was born in Paris to an Italian seamstress and a Tunisian accountant. 'My mother was always using the sewing machine, and it was driving me crazy. I was always awake because of the noise it made. I'd have to wake up and have my coffee in the middle of a piece of fabric.'
His mum would make his clothes, which annoyed him. 'When you're a kid you want to look like you're your friends and you just want to have the same dumb labels.' At the age of 16, in pursuit of teenage self-expression, he began designing his own clothes. He did all his own tailoring, seemingly having picked up the skill without thinking about it. He always wore a proper jacket, but even vintage ones didn't fit. 'I was so lean then,' he says, so he had to make his own clothes. And so began the Noughties shape of men's fashion.
From 《The Observer》
Thursday, January 10, 2008
This Really Makes Me Laugh.
"...features of a Russian prince, the signature cock's-comb flip of hair and the figure of an asparagus shoot..."
asparagus shoot,有甚麼比"asparagus"來形容他的身形更貼切?
asparagus shoot,有甚麼比"asparagus"來形容他的身形更貼切?
Interview Magazine: How do you think the concept of time has evolved in the 21st century?
Hedi Slimane: I think there's a different sense of time: time for others and time for oneself. Personally, I've learned to do less of the things that I don't care about.
唉,我都想學會"do less of the things that I don't care about"。
Hedi Slimane: I think there's a different sense of time: time for others and time for oneself. Personally, I've learned to do less of the things that I don't care about.
唉,我都想學會"do less of the things that I don't care about"。
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
餐廳裡只有數檯的客人,可能大部份已上班去。如果不是老闆叫我來,這一刻,我該是坐在辦公室裡,百無聊賴地喝著咖啡。百無聊賴地,我是這樣形容自己近來的工作態度。Paris men's fashion week在上個星期二結束,打仗似的生活告一段落。翌日,公司裡只有幾個人上班,我是其中的一個。我不是要擺出一副勤力的樣子,只是我想不到放假後可有甚麼娛樂。反正J也不放假,我也樂得有人陪我一起虛渡光陰。
J與我是Cerruti的舊同事,然後一起過來幫Mr. P打工。他當時做一些street casting的工作,雖整天往外跑,卻穿得比任何人還要端正。一整套Lanvin就這樣陪他穿過橫街小巷。我總覺得Lucas Ossendrijver的設計像火一樣地燒壞了他的腦袋,以為自己是被cast的那位。換著我,頂多是一套Helmut Lang。Minimalism,我又想起了這個形容詞。
10時正離開了Café Marly。
有沒有興趣和Damir Doma午飯?他這樣問。
然後匆匆掛了線。原來他找我不是因為Daft Punk的門票,我有點失望。
Diamonds, glitter and trauma tears
with an unfriendly atmosphere
We'll make our night
We'll make tonight
門還未開﹐便已聽到玻璃門後傳來了Biffy Clyro的"Glitter And Trauma"。
J今天一身casual look,全套Raf Simons上陣。
Talking shit with my colleges
Did we do the same degree
You've said less to me all week
Got to go home in early
That's alright that's alright
If the money is alright
22 grand job
In the city it's alright
22 grand job
In the city that sounds nice
It's alright it's alright
in the city it's alright
餐廳裡只有數檯的客人,可能大部份已上班去。如果不是老闆叫我來,這一刻,我該是坐在辦公室裡,百無聊賴地喝著咖啡。百無聊賴地,我是這樣形容自己近來的工作態度。Paris men's fashion week在上個星期二結束,打仗似的生活告一段落。翌日,公司裡只有幾個人上班,我是其中的一個。我不是要擺出一副勤力的樣子,只是我想不到放假後可有甚麼娛樂。反正J也不放假,我也樂得有人陪我一起虛渡光陰。
J與我是Cerruti的舊同事,然後一起過來幫Mr. P打工。他當時做一些street casting的工作,雖整天往外跑,卻穿得比任何人還要端正。一整套Lanvin就這樣陪他穿過橫街小巷。我總覺得Lucas Ossendrijver的設計像火一樣地燒壞了他的腦袋,以為自己是被cast的那位。換著我,頂多是一套Helmut Lang。Minimalism,我又想起了這個形容詞。
10時正離開了Café Marly。
有沒有興趣和Damir Doma午飯?他這樣問。
然後匆匆掛了線。原來他找我不是因為Daft Punk的門票,我有點失望。
Diamonds, glitter and trauma tears
with an unfriendly atmosphere
We'll make our night
We'll make tonight
門還未開﹐便已聽到玻璃門後傳來了Biffy Clyro的"Glitter And Trauma"。
J今天一身casual look,全套Raf Simons上陣。
Talking shit with my colleges
Did we do the same degree
You've said less to me all week
Got to go home in early
That's alright that's alright
If the money is alright
22 grand job
In the city it's alright
22 grand job
In the city that sounds nice
It's alright it's alright
in the city it's alright
Monday, January 07, 2008
Saturday, January 05, 2008

Thursday, January 03, 2008
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
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