Maybe lack of sleep, or last nights drinks Now my eyes twitching, if that prick coughs again In the back of my head I'll smash your fucking face in
Ok, that's it, take a deep breath I've got to get out of here I've got to clear my head I've got to clear my head
It's all these words, ideas and different arguments Someone's always talking when I try to make some sense From all this stress that is constantly going on I just drift along with no focus or meaning Lean back, stare up at the ceiling I just drift along with no focus or meaning
I've got the same shirt on for two days in a row With a soya sauce stain so everyone knows Can shower and scrub Still smell like the smoking bit in a Weatherspoons pub
I'll have my lunch early, get some sugar in my blood My clothes still smell of last night I've got to clear my head
It's all these words, ideas and different arguments Someone's always talking when I try to make some sense From all this stress that is constantly going on I just drift along with no focus or meaning Lean back, stare up at the ceiling I just drift along with no focus or meaning
Why do these tourists walk so slow? Especially now I've got somewhere to go? And a posh sounding girl, going on and on About her dog and Mr. Morgan It sounds so funny when I hear you calling! Mum be like 'boy what you doing? Please shut up and try and sound confident In a crap job when your minicourse is done
It's all these words, ideas and different arguments Someone's always talking when I try to make some sense From all this stress that is constantly going on I just drift along with no focus or meaning Lean back, stare up at the ceiling I just drift along with no focus or meaning
9時45分,電話響起。E的來電,我並沒有接下。老闆抬頭望一望,又繼續頭喝他的咖啡。E又傳來短訊,大意問我今天晚上有甚麼好節目。Any good plan for tonight? E是英國來的傢伙,滿口Yorkshire音,聽得我耳朵都快要爛掉也不太明白他在說啥。我是寧願與他以sms交談。
All dressed up with somewhere to go Got ten new messages on your phone Keep trying to stop the night from falling to pieces The night goes on and on and on and on Where're you going and where's Steve gone This whole night is just falling to pieces
我不喜歡跟我老闆在非工作時間見面﹐即是早午晚飯週末日。但he is the boss﹐我只是一條狗。我做足了一條狗應有的責任。人與狗的關係﹐就正是老闆與下屬的關係。人同狗沒有多大的分別﹐不就是逗別人開心。逗老闆開心後﹐我可以買那件Napolean jacket﹐而狗﹐也有一塊雞味的狗餅。Napolean jacket和雞味的狗餅並沒有分別。小時候看"My Life As A Dog"看得過了頭﹐我覺得我條命跟狗一樣。當然﹐我指的狗是沙皇那隻borzoi。
Three floors above it's not the same Picadilly, lighting up the rain Here I'm a ghost in the cellar The kind of fellow Who's counting days that could be nights Count on the man who's counting lights
Craig McLean: Hedi, some of your trousers are so tight you can't sit down in them. Is that deliberate? Hedi Slimane: Yeah! I think posture is important. Craig McLean: So i shouldn't sit down if i wear your trousers? Hedi Slimane: Ah no, you have to find a way to sit down! Or destroy it - then maybe it'll bend better.
1 連續兩天進攻Dior Homme尖沙嘴和中環店﹐我和我爸滿載而歸。(這可算是最後致敬﹐Glory to Hedi Slimane!) 2 看完了《Mulholland Dr.》。連治先生的超現實主義拍法﹐仲迷離過迷離境界。兩個半鐘既戲﹐話禁快就完。最後﹐我問自己﹐究竟我係咪我呢?另說﹐Naomi Watts超正。 3 北野武連施丹都玩埋﹐我點敢唔大叫「監督﹐ばんざい!」 4 班仔真係忽上腦﹐我諗佢地係差在唔當面問Slimane大人﹐"Mr. Slimane, can i have sex with you?"。
1. 跪求《又見梅蘭芳》DVD一張。 2. 據可靠消息報道,《給康城的情書》的海報上雖然有David Lynch的大名,但其實佢個條片只得加拿大會播!咩世界黎架?又話大同、一體化? 3. G友說要轉hippies look ,我有點手足無措。仲要問我借Beatles的碟,好明顯佢要大喊「Give Peace A Chance」! 4. 昨晚在行人道上遊魂。忽聽到有人在耳邊說著,「行快o的啦,仲要me me mo mo ,我好肚餓呀!」原來是痴玲小姐嫌我腳步緩慢,拖慢了她大小姐。也難怪她心情不好,《梅蘭芳》拍畢,小姐她不能趕得及去北京見黎明。車!我夠見唔到安藤同梅葆玖啦!! *遷怒中*
I don't know what I'm doing wrong Maybe I've been here too long The songs on the radio sound the same Everybody just looks the same But then last night was so much fun And now your sheets are dirty The streets are dirty too but You never look back over what you've done Remember when you were young You'd lose yourself In the morning, you know you won't remember a thing In the morning, you know it's gonna be alright
Wake him up, warm him up Put him on the stage, well The boy can't help it, it's not his fault Just a dangerous dangerous thing But then every night's still so much fun And you're still out there darling Clinging on to the wrong ideas but I never regret anything I've done
Remember when you were young You'd lose yourself In the morning you know he won't remember a thing In the morning you know it's gonna be alright
In the morning, you know he won't remember a thing In the morning, you know it's gonna be all. . . In the morning, you know he won't remember a thing In the morning, you know it's gonna be all' In the morning, you know he won't remember a thing In the morning, you know it's gonna be alright
Are you really gonna do it this time' Are you really gonna do it this time' Are you really gonna do it this time' Are you really gonna do it this time'
You've got got to do it this time Are you really gonna do it do it do what' Are you really gonna do it do it do it yeah Are you really gonna do it what
Taken from the pics owner: Here is previous chief designer of Dior Homme Hedi Slimane. i met him in front of Beyond Retro.He was kindly accept to take a photo and even asked me 'where do you want to take photo?'He was very kind and talk to me friendly, i dont think there is any designer who is more contributed to mens fashion than hedi in 21st century he has revolutionalysed male fashion wiht his rock inspired clothes for skinny young models uk indie rock becomes mainstream and many guys copied not only dior style but also hedi's style, hope he will come back chaos of mens fashion very soon.
1. These New Puritans - Navigate 2. Littl'Ans - We Look Good Together 3. Eight Legs - These Grey Days 4. The Rakes - The World Is A Mess But His Hair Was Perfect 5. Razorlight - In The Morning 6. Beck - O.S.T. 7. Phoenix - Victim of the Crime 8. DSL - Strip 9. Bosco - Change Yourself 10. Readymade FC - F.Me Pt.1 11. Readymade FC - Flexion Pt.1
Bacon:Right. Let's sort the buyers from the spyers, the needy from the greedy, and those who trust me from the ones who don't, because if you can't see value here today, you're not up here shopping. You're up here shoplifting. You see these goods? Never seen daylight, moonlight, Israelite. Fanny by the gaslight. Take a bag, c'mon take a bag. I took a bag home last night. Cost me a lot more than ten pound, I can tell you. Anyone like jewelry? Look at that one there. Handmade in Italy, hand-stolen in Stepney. It's as long as my arm. I wish it was as long as something else. Don't think because these boxes are sealed up, they're empty. The only man who sells empty boxes is the undertaker, and by the look of some of you lot today, I'd make more money with me measuring tape. Here, one price. Ten pound. Eddie: Did you say ten pound? Bacon: Are you deaf? Eddie: That's a bargain. I'll take one. Bacon: Squeeze in if you can. Left leg, right leg, your body will follow. They call it walking. You want one as well, darling? You do? That's it. They're waking up. Treat the wife. Treat somebody else's wife. It's a lot more fun if you don't get caught. Hold on. You want one as well? Okay, darling, show me a bit of life then. It's no good standing out there like one o'clock half-struck. Buy them, you better buy them. These are not stolen, they just haven't been paid for, and we can't get them again. They've changed the bloody locks. Here. One for you. It's no good coming back later when I've sold out. "Too late, too late" will be the cry when the man with the bargains has passed you by. If you got no money on you now, you'll be crying tears as big as October cabbages.