Hedi Slimane @Brick Lane
文上兩張並不是普通的街頭snapshot,他可是Slimane大人。那件撇開了一點的皮夾,安慰了所有Dior Homme的粉絲。其實我想說呢,他那道眉,有沒有讓大家想起了Adrian Brody?如果有,請將這種腐敗的思想更正!
Taken from the pics owner:
Here is previous chief designer of Dior Homme Hedi Slimane. i met him in front of Beyond Retro.He was kindly accept to take a photo and even asked me 'where do you want to take photo?'He was very kind and talk to me friendly, i dont think there is any designer who is more contributed to mens fashion than hedi in 21st century he has revolutionalysed male fashion wiht his rock inspired clothes for skinny young models uk indie rock becomes mainstream and many guys copied not only dior style but also hedi's style, hope he will come back chaos of mens fashion very soon.
Thanks Hedi
一路看照片下來,覺得瘦身期(Coming Up)的Brett很適合穿DH。
我不會將Adrien Brody與HS聯想到一起。各有各的氣質,不會搞亂。
八十年代初有David Sylvian/Japan,九十年代初有Brett Anderson/Suede,仲有型到六十歲的David Bowie - 英國果然係孕育型人之地。
覺得瘦身期(Coming Up)的Brett很適合穿DH。
我不會將Adrien Brody與HS聯想到一起。
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