Amazing Grace
Batman Begins
Die Hard 4.0
I, Vitelloni
Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels
Mission Impossible 3
My Own Private Idaho〈重看〉
Withnail & I
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
記: 04年的北京遊有一點的遺憾。說是我本想參觀梅蘭芳故居,卻是到達後才知那數天在進行閉館維修!害得我這位梅蘭芳天字第一號粉絲(自認的)當場呆掉!經過這次慘痛的經歷,我是學精了。我呢,諗住先寫個電郵俾梅紹武先生囉。如果佢唔覆我呢,我諗住去到北京的時候火燒梅莊。
記: 04年的北京遊有一點的遺憾。說是我本想參觀梅蘭芳故居,卻是到達後才知那數天在進行閉館維修!害得我這位梅蘭芳天字第一號粉絲(自認的)當場呆掉!經過這次慘痛的經歷,我是學精了。我呢,諗住先寫個電郵俾梅紹武先生囉。如果佢唔覆我呢,我諗住去到北京的時候火燒梅莊。
Monday, November 26, 2007
The Narrator said...

You wake up at Seatac, SFO, LAX. You wake up at O'Hare, Dallas-Fort Worth, BWI. Pacific, mountain, central. Lose an hour, gain an hour. This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. You wake up at Air Harbor International. If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
Sunday, November 25, 2007

我諗我唔係「差點便愛上Brad Pitt」喇﹐我直情係愛上左佢喇今次。
Brad Pitt演Jesse James。超期待!!
p.s. Poster好正。Jesse James和Robert Ford的一前一後﹐"coward" Ford的陰濕樣﹐好貼標題(戲名)。
How Jesse James was assassinated:
On April 3, 1882, after eating breakfast, the Fords and James went into the living room. Before sitting down, James noticed a dusty picture on the wall and stood on a chair to clean it. James was not wearing his guns and Bob Ford took advantage of the opportunity and shot James in the back of the head.
--Taken fm Wiki
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Inspired by d﹐ i remembered all these English bands i've been listening to way back in the nineties:
Ocean Colour Scene - Better Day
這首歌﹐是我的 top 10 favourites of all time。
話時話﹐我只得OCS一張EP《The Day We Caught The Train》。
The Boo Radleys - Wake Up Boo
Ocean Colour Scene - Better Day
這首歌﹐是我的 top 10 favourites of all time。
話時話﹐我只得OCS一張EP《The Day We Caught The Train》。
The Boo Radleys - Wake Up Boo
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
為甚麼我會這樣喜歡《Snatch》呢?唔知呀,但是non-stop地看了兩次,算是我的第一次吧。餘韻是不停地看(差不多會背)這個,每次看都在大笑。演員個個都演得很「生鬼」,差點便愛上Brad Pitt。Goldie的出現是一個驚喜;Dennis Farina說的一句「Don't go to England」是全片的highlight,也是最爆笑的一句。最可恨是Benicio Del Toro死得早。
另說,它的soundtrack也相當好聽。阿爸級的10cc一首"Dreadlock Holiday"funk味十足,完全沒有舊野的感覺。The Stranglers的"Golden Brown"是新的發現。當然,Madonna的歌又點少得?
Turkish: Fuck me, hold tight. What's that?
Tommy: It's me belt, Turkish.
Turkish: No, Tommy. There's a gun in your trousers. What's a gun doing in your trousers?
Tommy: It's for protection.
Turkish: Protection from what? "Zee Germans"?
Turkish & Tommy這對拍擋活像《The Two Ronnies》裡的Ronnie Baker和Ronnie Corbett。始終是英國人,對白抵死、低俗,卻很有智慧,永遠是「估你唔到」。這也是我偏愛英國喜劇的原因。
另說,它的soundtrack也相當好聽。阿爸級的10cc一首"Dreadlock Holiday"funk味十足,完全沒有舊野的感覺。The Stranglers的"Golden Brown"是新的發現。當然,Madonna的歌又點少得?
Turkish: Fuck me, hold tight. What's that?
Tommy: It's me belt, Turkish.
Turkish: No, Tommy. There's a gun in your trousers. What's a gun doing in your trousers?
Tommy: It's for protection.
Turkish: Protection from what? "Zee Germans"?
Turkish & Tommy這對拍擋活像《The Two Ronnies》裡的Ronnie Baker和Ronnie Corbett。始終是英國人,對白抵死、低俗,卻很有智慧,永遠是「估你唔到」。這也是我偏愛英國喜劇的原因。
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Cillian & Jonathan
Monday, November 19, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
重看 River Phoenix

好些年後﹐看了《My Own Private Idaho》﹐也並未為他動容﹐可能又是另一主角在作怪(我是看《Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure》而開始喜歡Keanu的)。從來不討厭River﹐但也不會瘋狂的喜歡他。淡淡的﹐沒有喜悅﹐卻有點哀傷的味道。
昨天再看了一次《My Own Private Idaho》﹐Keanu已不再算甚麼﹐River才是靈魂。他的魅力我到現在才發現到﹐是遲了點罷。
There is not another road anywhere that looks like this road,
i mean exactly like this road.
Is one kind of place, one of a kind.
Like someone's face.
Like a fucked up face.
-My Own Private Idaho
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Vicky Pollard
Social worker: All I want to know Vicky, is where is your baby?
Vicky: Oh, I swapped it for a Westlife CD.
Social worker: Oh my God, how could you.
Vicky: I know, they're rubbish.
They don't scare me! Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got, I'm just Vicky Pollard from round the corner from the block. V to the P to the Icky to the Ollard.
Additional information: Vicky Pollard lives in Darkly Noone. Beware!
Vicky: Oh, I swapped it for a Westlife CD.
Social worker: Oh my God, how could you.
Vicky: I know, they're rubbish.
They don't scare me! Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got, I'm just Vicky Pollard from round the corner from the block. V to the P to the Icky to the Ollard.
Additional information: Vicky Pollard lives in Darkly Noone. Beware!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
買了McQueen的頸巾、Sissi Rossi的小包和Lad Musician的tee。每樣都是男裝﹐我是要變做男仔了嗎?
(後記:當我指著一張龍平baby穿的同款Lad Musician tee相給爸爸看時,他回應了一句:Oh my god.)
買了McQueen的頸巾、Sissi Rossi的小包和Lad Musician的tee。每樣都是男裝﹐我是要變做男仔了嗎?
(後記:當我指著一張龍平baby穿的同款Lad Musician tee相給爸爸看時,他回應了一句:Oh my god.)
Sunday, November 11, 2007

又記:看的電影是《Amazing Grace》。選這個的原因只有一個﹐因為有Albert Finney!
Friday, November 09, 2007
Matt & David
"Because although you create this post-modern gay character who hasn't had gay sex and lives in a village where everyone's find with it, at the same time you have the opportunity to be poofy in a Welsh accent while wearing fetish gear and hearing old people swear. So it's interesting and truthful, but it also has these big, crass laughs."
"David: It's weird, isn't it? So many actors are gay then when there's a gay character they never give it to them.
Matt: No, but Coronation Street have another gay character now whose played by a guy called Anthony[Cotton] who i met and he's gay. He was lovely."
"David: It's weird, isn't it? So many actors are gay then when there's a gay character they never give it to them.
Matt: No, but Coronation Street have another gay character now whose played by a guy called Anthony[Cotton] who i met and he's gay. He was lovely."
大家估我在HK Records找到甚麼正野?
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Sunday, November 04, 2007
《龍が如く 》(劇場版)
醉翁之意﹐本是要看看三池導演的「黑社會火爆暴力動作大片」。點知...「嘩﹐北村一輝好型呀。」(之後... 已完全漠視了三池崇史的導演手法﹐只全神貫注於北村一輝的有型士打扮)﹐再加上橫山劍的配樂歌曲﹐有點想"fing"頭添喎(咩事呢我)。又發現高岡早紀老左好多喎﹐又一女人難襟老例證﹐唉。
Saturday, November 03, 2007

Lane Crawford --> Lee Garden --> Sogo's MAC --> 金百利 --> Twist --> 東角駅 --> 金百利(又) --> 德興。
Friday, November 02, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
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