Tuesday, November 04, 2008


B: Liverpool's home record against Spanish clubs is poor.they have failed to win any of the last five matches and did not score in last four.
我: holy fuck. but u bet on them. chi lung sin.
B: But Benitez sees the game as the perfect opportunity to quickly recover the momentum of a promising season following the defeat of the Spurs.
我: coz Torres didnt play. so they fuckin lost the game.
B: hahaha.wat about chelsea's game?
我: coz Ballack didnt play.so Chelsea fuckin lost.
B: fuck Chelsea.
我: Ballack is injured. poor baby.
B: fuck Ballack.
我: he is good la. better than Gerrard.
B: fuck Ballack.
我:u hate Ballack or Chelsea?
B: both.
我: why la?
B: coz u fuckin Chelsea
我: me fuckin chelsea? no la. me just fuckin Torres.
B: ......



Anonymous said...

足球我唔知啦, 網球則是絕對"個人"的, 球迷(如我)只想自己喜歡的球手打一場精彩的比賽及勝出.
不過, (不論以何種方式)唯護自己支持的一方, 天下所有球迷都是一樣的!

p.s.有說Federer似Tarantino, 又幾喎!

Zackiemad said...


係囉,足球講整體/team spirit。所以球迷常常打交!

Federer似Tarantino? YESSSSSS!

單位 said...

Federer似Tarantino << 十足十!!!!

Anonymous said...

>Federer似Tarantino << 十足十!!!!

Tarantino戴番個head band, 兩個人就更似~

球場外的Federer, 好平凡吓, 但係佢一落球場, 修長身型加上姿態優雅又強勁的正手抽擊, 當堂型爆!(連一向鍾意模仿其他網球手的Djokovic被要求扮Federer時, 也說: "Roger is too perfect!")