Monday, June 25, 2007


Qawwali是蘇非派(伊斯蘭教神秘主義派別)的特有音樂。它不冷門﹐因為有大師Nusrat Faten Ali Khan將它發揚光大。

最初接觸Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan﹐是數年前電影節一套有關他的記錄片《A Voice from Heaven》 。我看﹐是因為知道片內會有Steve Chandra Savale (aka Chandrasonic)的訪問。在漆黑的影院內﹐看著Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan 龐大的身形﹐坐在蓋上波斯地毯的地上﹐一眾樂手在後彈奏﹐原來是一種享受。

Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan生於旁遮普﹐受家族影響﹐自小便愛上Qawwali。音樂家父親極力反對﹐望子成龍﹐希望他能當上醫生。最終﹐父親因他的熱誠而妥協﹐便教他Qawwali藝術。

1993年﹐他在《Dead Man Walking》的soundtrack中與Eddie Vedder合作﹐西方人士開始認識這位Qawwali表演家。就這樣慢慢地﹐他將自己喜愛的音樂帶到世界各地﹐包括香港。



2006年﹐TIME選"60 Years of Asian Heroes"﹐名列12位。

補充:有興趣的朋友﹐可先聽聽"Mustt Mustt (Massive Attack Remix)"。而我﹐就最喜歡那首"Taa Deem"。


Anonymous said...

A new land to me. Have yet to explore. If only I have more time. Thanks for your info.

In Una Luna land, the boyz like oldies/jazz music. Maybe I should put Qawwali into one of the character's traits. Ando? Toyokawa-san?

I need to think of a premise to introduce Ryuhei, Joe and Asano.


Zackiemad said...

本想在Youtube cope一段出來,可是粗略看 看過都找不到那兩首歌。

如果放在Una Luna land,有一首叫"Tery Bina",也很好聽,我想應該會適合。(Youtube都無呢首歌)

Ryuhei出現在Una Luna land<---很期待~

Anonymous said...

The big plot I brainstormed with my friend when we were hiding from the rain in Normandy actually involves an original story created by my friend in Taipei.

It has a religious background and is about a young person who is marked as a state property - subject for a secret experiment about mind-control.

I love this story of my friend, so much so that when she told me she's going to revise it and print the story, I volunteered to write a loose sequel to it.

In my very preliminary scheme of things, Ryuhei's character would come along in this context.


Zackiemad said...

secret experiment about mind-control <--這種題材很吸引!

Anonymous said...

I'm still 'working' on the Ando/Kaneko/Toyokawa story.


Zackiemad said...
