上年一眾歌手樂隊來個tribute﹐重新演繹了Gainsbourg的名曲﹐收錄在"Monsieur Gainsbourg Revisited"裡。碟內找到"The Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde"一曲。經翻譯後重新編曲混音﹐作為大碟的bonus track。
You've all read the story of Jesse James(19世紀末美國著名大盜)
How he lived, how he died?
Give it a kick, huh! You kickin for more
Well then, listen to the story about BONNIE AND CLYDE
So get this, Clyde got himself a girl,
She's beautiful and her name is Bonnie
They formed a gang of two as much we know;
Their names: Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow
"When I first met Clyde, i can't remember
He was a loyal guy, honest and straight."
"It must have been Society
Never had a chance to make a good name."
Everythings been written black and white
They say that we kill in cold-blood.
But it's only the teller takes to screaming
Shut up whoever starts yelling
Everytime a cop gets knocked off,
Or a garage or bank gets held up,
The headline always reach the morning after,
It's signed Clyde Barrow, Bonnie Parker
Now, everytime we try to settle down
To set up calmly in a house,
Withen three days comes a sound the ack ack ack
Of the machine guns coming to attack
One of these days, we'll go down together,
Me, I don't care at all, it's for Bonnie that I tremble
"What difference does it make if they get me
Me, Bonnie, I tremble for Clyde Barrow.
In the end there was no way out
The only solution was to die
Who gives a damn for tomorrow
Who was Bonnie and Clyde Barrow.)
我說這件事﹐其實又係兜緊圈去講James Iha。因為﹐
呢首英版"The Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde"﹐係佢同個Makino Kazu唱o既。
Never a big fan of Beatty but I've always like Dunaway. I love the scene where Bonnie/Clyde picnicked with Bonnie's relatives in the golden fields. It's the rare tranquil scene in the movie, the calm before the final storm.
And I think Jane and Serge could have played Bonnie and Clyde!
剛想起來,Luna也有一首Bonnie and Clyde.
WOW! Go go go!
Actually ive never watched Bonnie & Clyde. Beatty is not my cup of tea neither, but is funny that when i think of this film, i will immediately think of "Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid" to "Bonnie & Clyde", they were probably one of those gd ole "american products".
By the way, u like James Iha tooo?
I like Smashing Pumpkins as a whole but didn't really pay attention to individual members.
Anyway, I love rock music and the sound of electric guitars.
I bumped into your blog thanks to 寂然. He was saying sth about Matsuda Sr.
oh, 寂然 loves Yusaku Matsuda very much, actually i was seaching some news of Matsuda and popped into his blog..btw, ive read ur blog and i wanna say i love River Phoenix~
I seldom update my livejournal now.
Real life is a bitch.
I opened it as a shipper of Lord of the Rings, then I cross over to other fandoms (mainly Queer As Folks (US), Placebo). It's mostly fan stuff. I didn't really use it as my personal blog.
Not sure if you're into Real Personal Slash/Fictional Personal Slash -
I've posted my first FPS (based on the jdrama series 跳躍大搜查線) but it's friends-locked.
I can unlock it for a certain period of time if you're interested.
Dying young - this is the saddest thing to me. River Phoenix doesn't give the world a chance to see him grow old. Same case for Matsuda-san.
Oh yayaya, plsss unlock it and let me see~
You're obviously over 18 so I can save the warnings.
The only warning is that I've inserted a picture for each episode and the picture is not 100% work safe.
I posted the series (Edge) on Feb 11.
I wrote it back in December 2001.
Go ahead~
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