相裡頭那班,究竟是甚麼人來的呢?他們,是90年代的法國龐克樂隊Zabraskie Point。
要知道我最近在喪迷Francois Begaudeau(他就是ZP的主音了) ,不停在網上狂找他的資料啦。可是,來來去去不就是說他是影評人/作家演了自編的半自傳式小說Entre les murs然後那部電影拿了金棕櫚大獎...喂我明明在wiki那裡讀到他曾夾過band架喎,幹嗎不說說那對樂隊呀?好了,為了想聽聽他們的歌,我用了一整天的時間(!)(其實係上班時間)(!)在法文版的yahoo裡溜灠。然後當我見到疑似網站時,便用yahoo翻譯版將它轉成英文。終於,皇天不負有心人,我找到了一個fan tribute page 。
事情就去到這裡。今早聽著他力歇聲廝的聲音,突然來個咆哮「WHAAAOOOOOOO」「HEEEERRRRRRR」,然後想起他在"The Class"裡的老師形像,截然不同的聲線,真的好想大笑啊!(在地鐵內,我只能咬住下唇死忍!)
除了Zabraskie Point,我近來在聽NTM(法國hip hop樂團)、David Bowie、The Wallflowers等等。
Bowie as in Brian Eno trilogy or Let's Dance?
This French group is famous for their covers albums. The lastest one has Martin Gore (Depeche Mode) to be the supporting vocal for the group's cover of DM's Master and Servant.
MCing in French...sounds funny...
On Polanski's The Fearless Vampire:
On Polanski's The Fearless Vampire:
I'll borrow it from you later, can I?
I'm reading The Pirate's Dilemma - the writer is a London-based DJ. He argues that intellectual property laws are obsolete and indeed piracy help stimulate and foster innovation. Obviously he's not talking about the teenagers selling pirated DVDs in Mongkok!
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