今天走了去看"Body of Lies"。這部電影期待已久﹐Ridley Scott+Russell Crowe+Leonardo DiCaprio﹐簡直是無敵的。電影好緊張好好看喲!(要知道我是沒腦的人﹐詞彙貧富﹐分析力其低﹐只懂說"好睇"﹐"唔好睇"同"OK啦"。)
打從何時喜歡上Ridley Scott的電影呢?自己都不記得了。有一段時間連續看了他的幾部作品﹐最愛的﹐都是"A Good Year"。
就是看了"A Good Year"裡頭Russell飾演的事業男後便愛上了他。然後找來他其他的作品看呀﹐更覺得﹐唔﹐要忘記"Gladiator"﹐他其實是好威風的!
記得自己應該是在中四五時愛上Leonardo。那時後到戲院看他的"Basketball Dairies"﹐從此迷上。Soundtrack(有Eddie Vedder!)﹐flyers通通都殺。然後又看了其他的﹐尤其是"Total Eclipes"﹐更是瘋狂迷戀!不知怎的﹐當他拍"Titanic"後便不愛他了﹐這部戲一直未看過。現在呢?看完"Body of Lies"後,又覺得佢好有型囉喎。女人,永遠是善變的。
兩位演員﹐Leonardo DiCaprio和Russell Crowe我都好好好鍾意。唯一的分別﹐就是我對Russell沒有性幻想。
那麼~你喜歡的球員美絲呢? 你對他有沒有性幻想呢?
美絲留番俾你性幻想飽佢啦。但我可以share我的Torres baby給你 =)
Prince of Spain wor :D
Have you seen This Boy's Life? It's DiCaprio's early work. Another one not to miss is surely What's Eating Gilbert Grape? He steals the show from Johnny Depp;p
I avoided DiCaprio after watching Titanic and The Man Behind the Iron Mask. Missed out Gangs in New York, Catch me if you can, and all that.
He's blown up a bit in Blood Diamonds, a movie I've been longing to see. I think he's got the groove back now!
This Boy's Life有睇呀。好似係Robert de Niro點名要佢拍。What's Eating Gilbert Grape,當然有!你有無睇Total Eclipse?好好睇:)
未睇Gangs of NY。Cameron Diaz....!
我有Blood Diamond,可借你。
after watching The Bourne series, im totally addicted to Matt Damon :)
Total Eclipse, totally not to be missed!
I don't like the parts when DiCaprio's Rimbaud grew old and got sick. "On, on," I remember his very last words on screen.
The most touching scene is the ending scene, where Verlaine sits alone in the cafe, down the memory lane of his better old times with Rimbaud.
p.s. Have you seen Good Will Hunting? The Departed?
p.p.s. Though I'm not crazy about Claire Danes, I do love
"Romeo + Juliet". Basketball Diaries, Marvin's Room, oh my, I did love this boy!
剛看了"The Departed"。Leonardo也可以好勇鬥狠。這是我看了"The Departed"和"Body of Lies"之感。他以前瘦得可憐,但卻蠻適合他。現在看過這兩套,又覺得佢都可以大隻。
我想,Matt也是亦剛也柔的一類。無腦又得,醒到極更得 :) 你有無看過Robert de Niro導演的"The Good Shepherd"?
Haven't seen Good Shepherd yet. The disillusion of the chosen one. The intelligent's tragedy!
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