Thursday, July 24, 2008



1. Shaun of the Dead - 英國。喪屍。正!
2. The Man in White Suit - 後生的alecguinnnes。corporateshit。
3. Les Demoiselles de Rochefort - 後生的catherinedenevue,連亞爸都唔認得。
4. Rounders - 有點期望因為有mattdamonedwardnorton。事實是不怎麼樣。
5. Death Proof - tarantinoisgod。
6. The Ninth Gate - polanskiisgodtoo。
7. The Fearless Vampire Killer - 後生的polanski加尼古拉伯爵。正!

(It happens every fuckin day)
me: so sleepy
單位: how come
me: sleepy die
單位: tired die
me: waiting for 6pm to come
單位: sleepy die again


單位 said...

sleepy die要每人每日repeat一百萬次...多謝~~

Anonymous said...


我銀包得返 $1.3 .........


Anonymous said...

Wrote sth about The Dark Knight in LJ. Would write some more from pure fan girl perspective.

Anonymous said...

Are we going to meet next weekend(2/8)?
What movie you want to see? I want to see The Dark Knight again, if you haven't seen it and want to go.
Otherwise, Mummy 3 is fine.
The cake shop I mentioned before is in Soho.