這張圖﹐令你想起Piet Mondrian本人﹐抑或是1965年YSL設計的Mondrian dress?

2002年﹐YSL辦了一場final show﹐回顧他40年來的心血作品。會中﹐不少得那一系列的Mondrian dress。靈感來自荷蘭畫家Piet Mondrian於1942年完成的"Composition with Yellow, Blue, and Red"﹐此設計在1965年9月號的French Vogue 封面首次亮相。此後,大街小巷都見有Mondrian味的衫褲手袋。同樣都是將別人的創作放諸自己的作品上,誰快誰受落。

Silverchair剛推出最新專輯,名為"Young Modern"。封面也找來了Piet Mondrian的圖案,貫徹"modern"意味。是否只是巧合?因為要配合大碟才找來Mondrian的作品?又或是Mondrian圖案其實已潛移默化地在設計界佔了一席位?
有些東西,不停的翻炒再翻炒。只差誰炒得出色,誰抄得沒個性。試想想,如果我學Saint-Laurent先生一樣,設計了一條Escher dress,誰又會說我有時裝觸覺呢?
My b day is coming!
Will u buy me a YSL as my b day gift? I am YSL tooooo.
fake YSL,
u earn more than me and u dare to ask me???
chi gun!!
*dun ever call me and send me msgs throughout the whole july*
Don't give me Mark Rothko dress.
That would be over the top.
好像Agnes b曾經也有纇似Rothko的圖案裙子~ :o
Paul Klee, Joan Miro, I can see why if their works are put on a dress.
Heee, any one dares to use Jackson Pollock?
來不知誰是Jackson Pollock﹐經你一提﹐又識多個人。
the artist uses his paintbrush to depict the world he's living in. he lets us know the way he sees the world through his colours. that's why modern painting is interesting. it's more about HOW than WHAT. Viewpoint weighs more than accurancy of description.
Ed Harris did Pollock in 2000. Have yet to see it. Will you?
Total Eclipse, The Hours, more artists in turmoil. Don't quite like Shakespeare in Love, though.
Ed Harris??(我見到呢個名知後笑左出黎...)
Total Eclipse 是Leonardo那套嗎?那時候勁迷他﹐我記得我第一次看Total Eclipse是看LD版!!
I first knew about DiCaprio in What's Eating Gilbert Grape. Then he came along in Total Eclipse (also watched it on LD;)). At that time I also fell in love with him and rented whatever DiCaprio movies I can find in the video shop (This Boy's Life, Basketball Diaries, Marvin's Room).
I went to the cinema for Titanic and Man with An Iron Mask.
He's come a long way to mature as an actor. Have you seen Blood Diamond? (I haven't)
After Howard Hughes, he'll play Roosevelt.
不過我第一套看的是Basketball Diaries,連soundtrack都買埋!之後就追睇其他~
聽講那時候Robert de Niro點名要他演"This Boy's Life"
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